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Wondering how you’ll ever feel prepared for baby’s arrival? Classes are a great way to equip you with the information you need and get your questions answered! Check out our class offerings below and register today!

Childbirth Education Classes

It’s almost b-day!

You’ve shopped, you’ve discussed names, and now it’s almost time for the big day! We offer inclusive birthing classes that focus on helping you have a confident birth experience. We discuss early signs of labor, pain management strategies, and hospital procedures. We’ll answer all your burning questions about bringing your little one into the world. Choose between group or private classes to fit your needs.


Newborn Care Classes 

once we’re home, then what?

Yes, they’re really going to let you take that sweet baby home and we’ll help you get ready! Learn the basics of diapering, bathing, cord care and comfort techniques to help ease the transition home.


Infant Feeding Classes

breastfeeding, bottles, and solids, oh my!

We at Wingo Circle are firm believers in the idea that fed is best. Whether you’re looking to breast/chestfeed, bottle feed, or give formula, our Infant Feeding 101 class can get you the information you need to get baby’s nutrition off to the right start!

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